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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Pavement parking

We have a responsibility to maintain of adopted pavements within the county. Vehicles parked on a pavement can cause serious damage to the pavement and surrounding grassed verges.

Pavements are constructed and provided for pedestrian use. Vehicles parked on pavements are:

  • a hazard to pedestrians, causing an obstruction which may force them to step off the pavement into the road
  • a hazard by restricting the width of the pavement, making it difficult for a person with a pushchair, wheelchair or mobility scooter to pass safely
  • a hazard due to the damage they can cause to the pavement

If vehicles are parked on a pavement where there are waiting restrictions, such as yellow lines on the adjacent road, then a parking fine can be issued. Waiting restrictions normally cover the whole width of the road and pavement.

If there are no waiting restrictions on the road next to the pavement, we have no power to take action and the matter should be referred to the Police. 

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