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County Durham Plan supporting documents

Search our evidence library for County Durham Plan supporting documents. This includes Supplementary Planning documents which support and give more detail on specific local plan policies.

We are currently consulting on our Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Energy Efficiency, Renewables and the Historic Environment SPD (phase two), Shopfront Design Guide SPD (phase two) and Non-Designated Heritage Asset SPD. The closing date for comments is 5.00pm on Sunday 14 July 2024. See our Consultations page for more information.

Evidence library

Our main CDP evidence base sets out the supporting materials for the County Durham Plan.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Register of Brownfield Land

The SHLAA and brownfield register identifies sites within County Durham which have the potential for housing development and the development of brownfield land and form part of the evidence base for the County Durham Plan.

Open Space Needs Assessment (OSNA)

The OSNA identifies open space across the county. It shows what the open space is (for example allotments, parks or play areas) and how much space is available. The OSNA helps to calculate how much open space is needed within new housing schemes.

Our latest Open Space Needs Assessment is available on our CDP evidence base and you can also view this using our mapping tool below.

Assessment of the County Durham Plan

The County Durham Plan must be sustainable, protect habitats and must not discriminate against anyone. Formal appraisal processes are in place to assess this. Find out more about these assessment processes and the criteria set.

Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide detail to support CDP policies. SPDs must be taken into account (they are material considerations) when making decisions on planning applications.

County Durham Building for Life SPD

This SPD sets down design standards for major new residential development, based on the Building for Life 12 (BfL 12) - the industry standard for the design of new housing developments. We follow the standards in this document as part of our planning approvals process - where appropriate.

Residential Amenity Standards SPD 

This SPD provides guidance on extensions and other domestic developments.  It also sets down guidance on external space/amenity standards for new dwellings.  

Parking and Accessibility SPD 2023

The guidelines for parking and accessibility have been devised to help everyone understand how much parking space is required on development sites. They are designed to make sure there is enough parking at our homes and for our shops and employment locations. A higher provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points will also be required at places of employment, supermarkets and other retail development. The guidelines also have been designed to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of travel including walking, cycling and use of public transport.

Trees, Woodlands and Hedges SPD

Trees, Woodlands and Hedges Supplementary Planning Document (PDF) [5MB]

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)

The Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) monitors the effectiveness of planning policies and proposals within a Development Plan over its plan period. The Council adopted its new Development Plan, the County Durham Plan on 21 October 2020. The Council has now published its second AMR of the adopted Plan, 2021/22.



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