Telecare - sensors to keep you safe and independent at home
If you need additional support in your home, you can apply for Telecare, provided by the Care Connect service.
Apply for funding through the Great Aycliffe and Middridge AAP
We have access to almost £120, 000 of funding to support our local community groups and organisations. Visit to see our current list of priorities. If your pro...
Lone worker monitoring service
Care Connect provides a Lone Worker Service that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Apply for funding through the Spennymoor AAP
We have access to almost £120,000 of funding to support our local community groups and organisations. You have to apply for funding, but we can help you complet...
Great Aycliffe and Middridge AAP priorities
Great Aycliffe and Middridge AAP priorities, and how this affects where we allocate funding.
Support for armed forces families
This information has been provided to help you understand support available for Armed Forces personnel. Education and the Armed Forces Covenant The is a promis...
LGBT+ staff network
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT+) staff network is open to all staff in the council.
Armed Forces staff network
The Armed Forces staff network is open to all staff in the council.
Disability staff network
We seek to promote the abilities and qualities of people who have a disability, challenge attitudes and support people to lead the life they want and enable cha...
Ask a question at Cabinet
Members of the public can ask questions at our Cabinet meetings.