Healthy Start
If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. You can also get free vitamins.
Sacriston Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Sacriston library.
Benefits & Support
Benefits and support information, including Housing Benefit, debt advice and financial help, welfare rights, support for armed forces personnel and veterans and...
Hardwick Park
Hardwick Park is a Visit England accredited country park, and a great place to visit at any time of the year.
Could your business deal with an emergency?
Prepare your business for emergencies or major incidents such as flooding, fire or power cuts. Planning ahead minimises the risk to your day-to-day operations (...
The Management of Oral Health Care and Complying with CQC "Smiling Matters" recommendations
Oral health has a big impact on our quality of life. Oral health for people in receipt of care must not stop once a person enters the care system. Older people ...
Mental Capacity Act training
This course aims to provide you with knowledge on how the Act can support safeguarding adults.
Health Call Digital Care Home training
This course will provide knowledge on identifying a deteriorating patient using the Is My Resident Unwell tool and the Situation, Background, Assessment, Recomm...
Barclays Digital Wings training for adult social care staff in an administration or managerial role
The Care Academy are working in partnership with Barclays Digital Eagles to offer access to County Durham social care staff to a platform called Digital Wings. ...
Barclays Digital Wings training for adult social care staff
The Care Academy are working in partnership with Barclays Digital Eagles to offer access to County Durham social care staff to a platform called Digital Wings. ...