Money off Council Tax for disabled people
Your Council Tax bill may be reduced if a permanently disabled person (adult or child) lives in the home. This is called Council Tax disabled band reduction.
Download and complete our Council Tax disabled band reduction application form (PDF, 400 KB).
Return it to the address included on the form.
Alternatively, you can Contact Council Tax or make an appointment to visit one of our customer access points in your area.
Qualifying criteria
Your property must have at least one of certain features which are essential, or of major importance, to the wellbeing of the disabled person.
These features are:
- a room other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet which is used mainly by the disabled person
- an extra bathroom or kitchen for the use of the disabled person
- an extra space inside the property for the use of a wheelchair for the disabled person
When considering whether a reduction should apply, we have to decide whether the person with the disability would find it impossible or extremely difficult to live there, or whether their health would suffer, or the disability become more severe, if the extra feature was not available.
To qualify for a reduction, the extra room does not need to be specially built, but can be an existing room used specifically for the person with the disability.
How much your Council Tax will be reduced by
If your home is eligible, your bill will be reduced to that of a property in the valuation band immediately below.
For example, if your home is in band D, your bill will be reduced to that for a band C property. This will not however affect the value of your home or its banding on the valuation list. In this example, it would still be shown as band D on the valuation list. If your home is in band A (the lowest Council Tax band) a reduction of 1/9th of the band D Council Tax would apply.
For more information on bands see our How much is my council tax bill? page.
Changes in circumstances
You need to let us know immediately if your circumstances change to avoid any financial penalties. Report changes affecting your council tax.
- Email
- Telephone 03000 26 4000
Document downloads
Related information
- Customer Access Points
- Money off Council Tax for people with a severe mental impairment
- Carer's discount
- Tell us you've moved house or had a change in circumstances
- Information about your Council Tax bill
- Attendance Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Benefits advice or help with a benefits appeal
- Properties exempt from Council Tax
- Privacy notice for Financial Support Services (assessments and awards)