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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Bin collection dates

We collect rubbish and recycling from households in County Durham on alternate weeks - one week we empty your rubbish bin and the following week we empty your recycling bin. Garden waste is collected every two weeks while the scheme is running.

You can find out your collection day using the following form, just enter your postcode and then your house name or number.

Putting your bin out

Your rubbish bin or recycling bin and box must be placed out on the kerbside by 7.00am on the day of collection. 

  • Please do not block the road or path with your bin. Please bring it back in the same day.
  • Please do not overfill the bin as it may result in it not being emptied.
  • Please do not tie your bin to a fence or tie your lid shut as this will prevent it from being emptied.
  • We do not collect any waste left next to the rubbish bin.
  • Please remember to wash your hands before and after putting rubbish and recycling bins/boxes (bags/boxes) out and disinfect handles where possible.
  • If you are self-isolating, double bag any tissues and wait three days before putting the bag in the rubbish bin in line with government guidance.
  • If you are homeworking, please park appropriately and leave access for bin crews to get lorries into estates and down small roads.
  • You can place extra recycling in clear/ see-through bags next to your recycling bin and box on collection day.
  • Wash and squash recycling items so they are clean and to save space.
  • Do not bag items in your recycling bin or box.

If, after recycling as much as you can, you still have extra waste, you can take this to one of our Household Waste Recycling Centres.

If you need help to get your bin to the kerbside

Find out if you qualify for help to put your bin out.

Changes to collections

Bank holidays

There are generally no changes to your bin collections during bank holiday weeks. Please place your refuse, recycling and garden waste bins (if subscribed to the scheme) out as normal during bank holiday periods, unless otherwise directed.

Missed bin collections

Our My bin hasn't been emptied page provides information on why your bin hasn't been emptied and how to report a missed collection.

Recycling and rubbish containers

Your household should have:

  • a recycling box for glass bottles and jars 
  • a recycling bin (grey bin with a blue lid) for plastics, paper and card, food tins and drinks cans, cartons, and aerosols 
  • a rubbish bin for items that cannot be recycled 
  • a garden waste bin (if you are subscribed to the garden waste scheme)

Find out more about what goes in which bin.

Bin It Right Bin It Right - mobile version

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