Consultation on our plan to help people become more active in County Durham
Following conversations with people to find out what would help them be more active, we are now consulting on a new strategy called the Moving Together in Count...
Consultation on a policy for school and social care transport contracts
We consulted on a new policy for people who provide transport for us and act as a driver or passenger assistant, to ensure the safety of all passengers.
Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation
We want your views on our new document, which sets out guidance to promote good shopfront design, restoration, and refurbishment.
Delivering Better Value - your feedback on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services
Help us improve SEND services in County Durham.
Have your say on Copelaw housing proposal
We want your views on this proposed housing and supporting facilities project at Copelaw, Newton Aycliffe.
Consultation on making County Durham a safer place 2024-2029
We want your views on how we intend to keep County Durham a safe place to live, work and visit.
Updated proposals for the DLI Museum and Art Gallery building and surroundings
Have your say on our proposals for the DLI Museum and Art Gallery building and surroundings which will allow us to deliver the most efficient, environmentally f...
Consultation on our Council Plan 2025-2029
Help us to update our Council Plan which sets out how we plan work over the next four years and deliver the services which are important to our communities.
Consultation on our budget proposals for 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2026-2029
Have your say on our budget proposals for 2025/26, as well as on how we meet the financial challenges we face over the next four years.
Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Document consultation (stage two)
We want your views on the second draft of the Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which provides guidance on a range of housing to meet the need...